Standardise how you negotiate contracts across your business

Build playbooks right in Microsoft Word using our add-in. Help your legal or sales team apply positions more consistently at scale.

Start your 30 day free trial. No credit card required.

Download plug-in from Microsoft Word

Build playbooks from scratch or use AI 

Works on own paper and third party agreements

Help teams negotiate in the same way

Help your team negotiate in a standardised way at scale

Provide detailed legal guidance and include fallback positions

Train up junior lawyers and new joiners quickly

Get easy, low friction adoption

Word add-in allows for easy adoption across teams

Avoid adopting big complex software tools / CLMs

Build your playbook in the add-in or browser version

Spend less time marking up

Insert your best wording into markup with just 1-click

Inserted wording copies doc formatting automatically

Easily create a clause library to inspire your own drafting


Build from scratch or use AI to generate custom playbook

Free SaaS sales or third party vendor template included

Works on own template or third party paper


GBP 90

Create an account and start 30 day free trial

per user / monthly

Key features:

Key features:

Use AI to generate playbook entries

Everything in free trial version

Add your ideal positions and template clauses


Set edit rights across team

Include possible fallbacks

Single sign-on (coming soon)

Insert comments / wording into Word doc

Store helpful clauses to inspire your own drafting

Guide: How to run a playbook workshop


Learn how to build a contract playbook in just 5 steps

How to run a playbook workshop

Avoid the most common mistakes people make

Leverage the 80/20 rule to find the most problematic clauses / issues that your playbook should focus on

Read our FAQ

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Start 30-Day Free Trial

Create an account and start building your contract playbook. 

No credit card required.